The shower epiphany

I can with ultimate confidence tell you that I do my best thinking and brainstorming in the shower. It’s something unknown, a mystery that will elude scholar’s, but somehow complex things and abstract ideas become clear and concise in the shower. It just all makes sense somehow.

On many occasions I’ve been stuck on a problem with my startup, thinking about optimizing a block of code, or what new feature should be created. I then hop into the shower, and then while feeling completely tranquil and transparent, have profound Eureka moments. If only I could get a full eight hours a day of my superhero shower time, I would be unstoppable.

It just goes to show that most often the brain is overwhelmed with too many thoughts, background tasks, and noise. If you remove these distractions, and filter your brain to a smaller focus, its truely astonishing the results that can be achieved.


Now read this

Leveraging capital in the stock market using Robinhood Gold

The mobile app brokerage Robinhood (I am not affiliated) recently released Gold which allows you to borrow capital to invest into the market. This type of loan in finance is traditionally called margin. Note: Use of Robinhood Gold buying... Continue →